Form of drawings / designs on batik there is no clear repetition, so the images appear to be more flexible with the size of the line motif that could be relatively small compared with batik.
Image of batik can be seen on both sides of the fabric appear more flat (see-through back and forth) specifically for the delicate batik.
Basic color fabric usually younger than the color of the scratches motif (batik putihan / tembokan).
Each piece of the picture (decoration) which is repeated on a sheet of cloth is usually never the same shape and size. Unlike the printed batik is likely to be exactly the same between one image with another image.
The time needed for the manufacture of batik relatively longer time (2 or 3 times longer) than the manufacture of printed batik. Batik fine workmanship can take 3 to 6 months.
Working tool in the form of canting relatively cheaper price of around Rp.10.000, - to Rp. 20,000, -/pcs.
The selling price of batik is relatively more expensive, because of the generally better quality, luxurious and unique.
Form of drawings / designs on batik there is always a clear repetition, so the images appear over and over with the same form, with the line size is relatively bigger motive than batik.
Figure batik typically not transparent on both sides of the fabric.
Basic color fabric usually older than the color on scratches his motives.This is due not to the closure cap batik on the base of a more complex motifs such as are wont to do in the process of batik. Correlation that is by pursuing the sale price that is cheaper and faster production time. The time needed for a piece of batik cloth ranging from 1 to 3 weeks.
To make a batik a variety of motives, it would require a lot of cap. While the price cap is relatively more expensive than batik canting. For the price cap batik on the present condition with size 20 cm x 20 cm ranges from Rp. 350.000, - to Rp. 700.000, -/motif. So in terms of initial capital is relatively more expensive batik.
Period of use of batik stamp in good condition can reach 5 years to 10 years, with a record not broken. Repetition of copper batik stamp for pemakainnya almost unlimited.
The selling price of batik is relatively cheaper compared to batik, because usually numerous and have similarities to one another is not unique, not special and less exclusive.
Besides the difference of the visual side of batik and batik, but from the production side there are some similarities that should be passed in both workmanship. Among them are as follows:
Both equally be said of batik cloth, because the material is done by using wax as a medium color barrier.
Done almost by the hand of man to create an image and process of the lid color.
Materials used also as a base material of white cloth, and should not be distinguished from the basic yarn material type (cotton or silk) or a form of weaving.
The use of coloring materials and process the same color, there are no differences between batik and batik.
How to determine the lay-out or patrons as well as other forms of motive may be common between them. So when both are sewn to clothing made no difference to the fashion designer or dressmaker. The only difference being the picture quality alone.
How to take care of batik cloth (store, wiping and use it) there is absolutely no difference.
Hopefully for consumers batik lovers will not feel cheated again and could see more of the differences between written batik and stamp batik.
Happy shopping and bravo Indonesian batik.
Happy shopping and bravo Indonesian batik.
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